My Favourite Season 五年7班 赵睿暄

发布人:新闻 发布日期:2021-06-21

Which is your favourite season? Spring? Summer? Autumn or winter? Anyway, my favourite season is spring.

First, in spring, the weather is usually sunny and warm, which is comfortable. I like playing outdoors very much and its the best weather for outdoor sports.

Second, when we talk about spring, I would think of hope. Because the scene of colourful blossoming flowers and happy singing birds is really lovely. Spring is the start of a year, so its lively, hopeful and energetic. Sitting on the grass, close your eye, to feel soft breeze sweeping by, smell the fresh air and enjoy yourself with sunbathing are fantastic experiences.

In addition, my birthday is at the end of May, in spring. At that time, the weather in Guangzhou turns hot and swimming in freezing water or licking ice cream arent bad choices for fun.