四年9班 徐欣阅 34号 绘本续编-Scary Helping

发布人:新闻 发布日期:2021-11-02

Alice (徐欣阅)

Class Nine Grade Four

No. 34


                                                                            Scary Helping

Then one day, his dad came in and said, “This Happy Hair is very good for me.” “Rex,” said Dad, “Do you eat a lot of animals?” “Yes, they are very sweets and delicious!” said Rex. “I think this shop is too small, I can build you a magic car. You can drive it to help the animals, when the car is full of animals, you close the windows and doors to make the car bigger. Then you go Raaaah and eat them!” said Dad. “It calls——Scary Helping.”

Rex drove the car to the forest. He saw a muddy dog was in a very dip and very large muddy puddle! And he is——Spot. Rex picked up a long stick and threw it to spot, “Get the stick, Spot!” said Rex, “I am Rex!” Spot grasped the stick and Rex pushed Spot up. “Thank you, Rex. But, I’m too stinky.” Spot said sadly. “Don’t worry. You can go to my home to have a bath.” said Rex. Rex drove Spot to his home.

Then Rex saw a big dinosaur was eating animals, the dinosaur was his Dad! Rex had an idea, he jumped into the muddy puddle and he looked like a muddy pig. His dad saw him and said happily, “Wow! There is a big and yummy muddle pig!” Dad put him into the large cage and went to collect more firewood. When Dad left, Rex broke the cage and whispered to the other animals, “Quickly, run out here.” When his dad got back, he was so surprised, “Oh, no! All the animals are gone!” said Dad, “Don’t worry. The muddy pig is here. ” He washed the muddy pig and shouted, “Rex! Why you are Rex?” “I’m helping the animals go out of the cage.” said Rex, “Why do you eat lots of animals and don’t help them?” “Sorry, now I don’t eat lots of animals. I just eat a bit.”said Dad, “I can help you to save the animals.”

At last, the animals were happy and safe, they all thank to Rex and his friendly Dad.