Danny’s Winter Vacation 二年6班 莫远臻

发布人:新闻 发布日期:2022-03-22

                                                                 Danny’s Winter Vacation

Winter vacation was coming.

Danny and the dinosaur played every day. One day, Danny said to the dinosaur: “I wish it would snow tonight.” And it snowed that night. The snow fell fast. Maybe they knew they had only one night of time. 

Next morning, Danny woke up. He saw deep snow outside. “What a heavy snow!” “Wake up, dinosaur! Let’s go outside to play.” Danny said and rushed into the yard. Danny wanted to build a snow castle. The dinosaur helped him get a lot of snow, and compacted it, then make it into snow blocks. They piled up the snow blocks to build a snow castle. Several hours later, it was done! It was a huge domed castle, even the dinosaur can come in!

Then they had snow fight. First, they made a pile of snowballs, then they threw the snowballs to each other. They played happily.

They also decorated the Christmas tree in this winter vacation. It was a happy vacation.