My Summer Holiday 罗睿滢

发布人:新闻 发布日期:2019-12-30

Winnie Luo(罗睿滢)

Class: 4

Grade: 6


                                                                              My Summer Holiday

I had a good time during my holiday.

The most interesting thing was mountain climbing. I went mountain climbing with my family and friends. It was hard work. Although it was hard and challenging, the view on the way was so beautiful.

The stone stairs were white; the trees were tall and green. And the colorful flowers smiled, pretty birds sang, what an amazing view!

When we got to the top of the mountain, there was a beautiful sun-set. The gold sun-set lighted our face, everyone looked gold and lovely. We all were happy and enjoyable; smiles were always on our face.

We love this trip, we had a good time!