A Letter about Coronavirus 六年5班 张宇栋

发布人:新闻 发布日期:2020-07-15

Dong Dong (张宇栋)

Class Five Grade Six


                                                             A Letter about Coronavirus


Dear my friend,

It’s time to be at school, but I have to stay at home because of coronavirus. I think the novel coronavirus spreads when a sick person is coughing or sneezing and making some droplets get into our eyes, nose or mouth. Therefore I need to protect myself. There are some simple ways to avoid this disease. First, keep our distance. Second, use a face mask. Third, wash my hands often. However, some sick persons’ saliva can get on other things not only hands like door knobs, tissue, cups and so on. That’s why we should also wash other things off with soap too. I think that’s very troublesome but for safe,we should listen to doctors and wait until they have already made the medicine for this novel coronavirus.


                                                                                                                                     Dong Dong